Human condition, Parenthood

Transitions: the Kindergarten edition

I’m sitting in the library, attempting to write. And although I am following proper sound-blocking protocol (ear plugs+head phones+sound cancelling+white noise), a few muffled shrieks from the kids’ area upstairs still penetrate the border wall I have erected on the sides of my head. I have mixed feelings about those shrieks. Mostly, because I am… Continue reading Transitions: the Kindergarten edition

House, Human condition, Neighbourhood

Kevin takes Ogden

Well, well, well. It was quite the heady April around our little slice o' paradise. The usual patina of grit'n'grime was temporarily obscured by the bright lights of Hollywood. Kevin Costner, the hero of that great classic, Waterworld, was in the 'hood. And not even the pungent aromas wafting across the railroad tracks from the… Continue reading Kevin takes Ogden

Human condition, Travel

The Sound of Silence

I spent last weekend doing something I've never done before. I packed my earplugs (first things first), and a few other essentials, and drove along a dark and twisted road in the Ghost area. My destination was King's Fold, a retreat centre perched on a bluff overlooking the Ghost river. I'd heard about King's Fold… Continue reading The Sound of Silence

House, Human condition, Organization

Don’t strive for a ‘forever home’

I like home improvement. Or, more accurately, I hate it. But I like living in an improved home. And as anyone who has seen it will attest, my home has plenty of room for improvement (unless you have a penchant for faulty wiring, popcorn ceilings, and sloping floors - whoops! Haven't improved those yet. Can't… Continue reading Don’t strive for a ‘forever home’

House, Human condition, Organization, Parenthood

People who live in small houses (part 1)

Do you ever read home improvement magazines/blogs etc., and think to yourself "I could live a pristine, organized life, too, if I had a million dollars and a custom-designed house?" Those articles always irritate me a little. Like, it's not that hard to make things work when you have unlimited space and funds and maybe… Continue reading People who live in small houses (part 1)

Human condition, Travel

Dear millennials: Travel isn’t everything

This post is poorly timed. I am yet again watching the softly falling snow cloak the few remaining leaves on the poplar trees with a suffocating determination. It's another grim day in an autumn that could politely be described as 'armageddon.'* The animal rendering plant across the railroad tracks is belching its usual 'intriguing' aroma… Continue reading Dear millennials: Travel isn’t everything

House, Human condition, Organization

Don’t think: the beauty of habits

Since my adulting confessional last week, I've been swarmed by people pleading with me, "Ruth, you've gone from being completely disorganized to being only mildly disorganized. How do you do it?! Please, please share your wisdom." Ok, literally no one has ever said that to me. But I did have several people tell me that… Continue reading Don’t think: the beauty of habits